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- HTTP(s)-tunneling: Do I need to replace the PHP tunneler file when I upgrade SQLyog? Answer: Generally not. You only need to upgrade the PHP file if we have made any changes to the PHP file shipped with that version of SQLyog. ...
- Manipulating data.: I only changed one row of data, but SQLyog wants to update more rows in Answer: Let us explain you the situation that can result in such behavior.If your table has a primary key, SQLyog uses the value of the primary ...
- Backup/Restore: How does the SQLyog backup work? Answer: In addition to the direct 'export' option in the database and table menus, the backup functionalities of SQLyog Enterprise and SQLyog Ultimate is implemented in ...
- Installation and Configuration: On which Windows versions does SQLyog run? Answer: The answer is that we support all Microsoft Windows versions from Windows Vista/2008 and higher for x86 and x64 systems. Windows 2008 32 bit ...
- How does SQLyog connect to MySQL?: SQLyog gives you the most options for connecting to MySQL Answer: SQLyog connects to MySQL using the native C-API from MySQL - the fastest and most effective way to manage MySQL. This API is compiled ...
- Manipulating data.: I want to execute one SQL-statement only but all queries in editor-tab are executed. Answer: The explanation probably is that the the editor tab from where you execute SQL is a "power type" editor tab. From SQLyog version 4.2 two ...
- Data Types and Storage Engines: How does SQLyog handle TIMESTAMPS defined as '... on UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP' ? Answer: You can read about SQLyog 'smart' KEYWORD handling introduced with SQLyog 5.1 here. When updating any TIMESTAMP defined with '... on UPDATE ...
- Using the GUI: Can I use functions with SQLyog DATA and RESULT panes? Answer: Yes! This has been supported since version 5.12. Also read here about KEYWORDS support in SQLyog GUI. If you enter a string followed by the ...
- Backup/Restore: What encoding is used for files saved by SQLyog? Answer: Starting from SQLyog version 6.0 every file stored by SQLyog is UTF8-encoded. That applies to:configuration files and log files (.ini, .log , .err)SQL-files generated by ...
- Backup/Restore: Can I restore a backup on another server than where it was created? Answer: Yes, you can. But please first also read this FAQthat explains the basics about the backup functionalities in SQLyog. As long as the 'main' Server versions are identical ...