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- About Webyog support and about this FAQ: Welcome to the SQLyog FAQ Answer: Welcome to this FAQ. We hope that users having problems will find solutions to the most common problems here. With the introduction of this FAQ, we ...
- General questions about SJA: Can I execute more SJA jobs at the same time? Answer: Well, Yes you can. Absolutely no problem in doing so.But the result of it may be unpredictable in cases where one or more of ...
- Manipulating data.: Can I change my database name(s) Answer: NO ... and yes!Directly changing database names is not possible! It is not a restriction with SQLyog, but with MySQL itself. The reason is that ...
- Using the GUI: I get error 1064 when executing (multiple) query(ies). Answer: This is not really a bug with MySQL but nevertheless an undocumented issue that causes a problem with execution of queries with comments. A series ...
- Manipulating data.: Can I rename a database? Answer: NO... and yes! Directly changing database names is not possible! It is not a restriction with SQLyog, but with MySQL itself. The reason is that ...
- About the SQLyog program: SQLyog has got far too many features for me! Can't it be more simple? Answer: This is a question that we - with different variations - hear from time to time. It is a classic problem with all powerful software ...
- Program versions: Where can I download old program versions? Answer: Nowhere!With each new SQLyog version we constantly add features, improve usability, improve performance and - not to forget - fix bugs and add/change code to ...
- Database Schema Synchronization: Problem with string default '' (empty string) and Schema Synchronisation Answer: You experience that Schema Sync finds no difference for a string type declared NOT NULL default '' (empty string) and NOT NULL (with no default). This ...
- MySQL DATA synchronization: Data Sync fails with string columns defined DEFAULT '' (empty string) Answer: This will happen if servers are different versions and if one is from before and the other after a specific point in time. The 'specific point ...
- Installation and Configuration: Can I use SQLyog on a Mac? Answer: Not directly. We do not provide 'native' binaries for Mac OS-x. However there still are two different ways to run SQLyog on a Mac: 1) Using a ...