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- SQLyog Version History (2014-06-08 10:22)
- I get error 1130 "Host is not allowed to ... (2014-01-30 12:21)
- About CHUNKs and BULKs (2014-01-09 11:53)
- SQLyog is a client for the MySQL server - ... (2013-08-04 04:48)
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- Manipulating data.: Can I change my database name(s) Answer: NO ... and yes!Directly changing database names is not possible! It is not a restriction with SQLyog, but with MySQL itself. The reason is that ...
- Manipulating data.: Can I rename a database? Answer: NO... and yes! Directly changing database names is not possible! It is not a restriction with SQLyog, but with MySQL itself. The reason is that ...
- Character Set and Localization Issues: Which MySQL Character Sets are supported by SQLyog? Answer: Starting from version 6.0 SQLyog offers complete support for all (single-byte and multi-byte unicode and non-unicode) character sets supported by the MySQL server.Also starting from ...
- About the SQLyog program: I am already using GUI tools from MySQL. Why should I buy SQLyog? Answer: Because in most situations you will find that SQLyog is more simple to use and more intuitive than the tools from MySQL. During the time ...
- Backup/Restore: What encoding is used for files saved by SQLyog? Answer: Starting from SQLyog version 6.0 every file stored by SQLyog is UTF8-encoded. That applies to:configuration files and log files (.ini, .log , .err)SQL-files generated by ...
- Importing external data: How Do I Remove Duplicates From My Databases? Answer: Removing duplicate rows from database tables can be a problem. The problem is that with the common SQL syntaxDELETE FROM mytable WHERE {where condition};.. ...
- Using the GUI: Wrong results are returned for FOUND_ROWS(). Answer: FOUND_ROWS() is an 'information function' in MySQL. The use of it is that you can use a LIMIT clause to reduce the result set and ...
- Installation and Configuration: How can I run SQLyog from a portable drive. Answer: With a normal installation SQLyog will (since version 6.06) not write its configuration file ('SQLyog.ini') as well as the 'favorites' folder and the local SQLite ...
- Program versions: Are there restrictions in the SQLyog TRIAL compared to the REGISTERED versions? Answer: The TRIAL is identical to SQLyog Ultimate with the the restrictions: * At startup as well as at exit it will show a window displaying how ...