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Most popular FAQs 
- I get error 1130 "Host is not allowed to ... (473532 views)
- Error no. 2003: Can't connect... (389148 views)
- SQLyog Version History (241744 views)
- Error no. 1045: "Connection denied..." (202098 views)
- Error No. 2005: Unknown MySQL server host... (184521 views)
- Error no. 1251: "Client does not support authentication..." (173172 views)
- Can I use SQLyog with the WINE Windows emulator ... (164984 views)
- What is HTTP-tunneling? (139274 views)
- What Is SSH and SSH-tunneling? (110877 views)
- Introduction to the 'SQLyog Job Agent' (SJA) (108897 views)
Latest FAQs 
- SQLyog Version History (2014-06-08 10:22)
- I get error 1130 "Host is not allowed to ... (2014-01-30 12:21)
- About CHUNKs and BULKs (2014-01-09 11:53)
- SQLyog is a client for the MySQL server - ... (2013-08-04 04:48)
- Problems creating a functional DSN on 64 bit Windows. ... (2013-07-22 08:34)
Sticky FAQs
- Installation and upgrading
SQLyog is distributed with an automatic installer script. Just save it to your desktop and doubleclick the installation file. You will have ... - I get Error Code: 1370 - alter routine command denied etc. when importing an SQL-file
To learn how to fix this privilege issue read this ... - I get error 1044 "Access denied to user ..." when importing a SQL file
... however data are imported OK. But Stored Procedures and Functions are not. read here ... - I get error 1130 "Host is not allowed to connect ..." or "Access denied ..." or "Could not connect ..."
Error 1130 is a networking error. The server cannot resolve the hostname of the client. Or the host is not allowed to connect to ... - I have an account with Yahoo. Can I use SQLyog…
Yes. But several users have had problems getting connection parameters right. Here is what Yahoo say themselves: Why can't I access my database?First, make sure ... - I am getting "Protocol Mismatch; Server Version 9; Client Version 10;"
The protocol version 9 is used by MySQL 3.22 and earlier. The current version of SQLyog supports 3.23.x and above. To use it with 3.22 ... - I am behind firewall or router. Can I use SQLyog to manage a remote MySQL server?
Most routers have so-called NAT-functionality. It will let you access a remote server on any port, as long as the initial request ... - I am able to connect but can't see the list of databases/tables.
You must have at least SELECT privilege (as a global privilege or a SCHEMA/COLUMN privilege, to be able to see any data.More information on ... - I am able to connect using phpMyAdmin, but SQLyog won't let me connect.
phpMyAdmin is running on the server itself so when connecting to MySQL with phpMyAdmin you are NOT connecting from a remote host! With SQLyog ... - I get "Could not establish SSH connection. Make sure that the SSH server is running ..."
Please refer to this and this FAQ page ... - Is there any difference between SJA for Linux and SJA for Windows?
Yes!Besides the obvious fact that they are each code for each their platform, SJA for Windows has some features that SJA for Linux has not:* ... - I want to execute one SQL-statement only but all queries in editor-tab are executed.
The explanation probably is that the the editor tab from where you execute SQL is a "power type" editor tab. From SQLyog version 4.2 two ... - Is there a built-in encryptor in SQLyog compatible to phpMyAdmin SHA1 -encryptor?
No, as of now there is not. It is on the TODO. Priority of this has not been decided yet. ... - I get Error no. 2002. Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket ...
This can occur when connecting using HTTP-tunneling to a MySQL server running on Unix/Linux platforms.MySQL writes this about this issue.How to cope with this ... - Is it true that I need a Primary Key to use the SQLyog Synchronization Tool?
No - not anymore! From SQLyog version 5.0 synchronization is possible without a Primary Key as well. But it is recommended to use ... - I get error 1064 when executing (multiple) query(ies).
This is not really a bug with MySQL but nevertheless an undocumented issue that causes a problem with execution of queries with comments. A series ... - I only changed one row of data, but SQLyog wants to update more rows in the database. Why?
Let us explain you the situation that can result in such behavior.If your table has a primary key, SQLyog uses the value of the primary ... - I have problems with importing CSV data
Problems with importing CSV-files frequently occur at the Webyog Forums. We will here outline the basics.1) What is CSV?CSV stands for 'Comma Separated Values'. ... - I have a very long username for the MySQL database at my ISP. SQLyog won't let me use it.
Right! Because a MySQL user name is up to 16 characters long. The MySQL docs clearly state:MySQL usernames can be ... - Is it possible to execute Stored Procedures from SQLyog/SJA 'SQL Scheduler and Reporting Tool'?
Yes, it is -Provided - of course - that the MySQL server version supports this. To execute a Stored Procedure simply include this SQLcall ... - I get error "Column NAME mismatch for '´database´' table " when running datasync.
A "column NAME mismatch" can be eithersimply a column name mismatch! Columnnames must be identical as tablenames must. Just like you can't sync a ... - I execute a query but it is not written to HISTORY.
You experience that when you execute a query it is not written to HISTORY. The query itself executes correctly.The reason is that ... - Is the SQLyog 'auto-complete' feature exact for each MySQL version?
No, not yet!The SQLyog version 5.1 ships with an embedded database of keywords and functions that is exact for MySQL version 3.23. We ... - I have a large # of .csv files. Can SQLyog import them all in one operation?
The SQLyog Enterprise and Ultimate versions can do that! You will then need to use the Import External Data Tool with the Microsoft text-ODBC-driver, ... - I get "ERROR: 1136, Column count doesn't match value count at row ..." when using the Import External Data tool.
This is due to an ODBC-driver that uses the 'regional settings' of the client machine when generating the data stream from the source database. ... - Introduction to the 'SQLyog Job Agent' (SJA)
This FAQ is intended to be a general Introduction to the 'SQLyog Job Agent' (SJA). The document was written to give a short but still ... - I get version mismatch during HTTP Tunneling:
This simply tells that there is a version mismatch between the PHP script ('SQLyogTunnel.php') that is uploaded on the server and the SQLyog client code ... - I get ZERO's when importing DATE and TIME types
It is an issue with the data type. DATE and TIME data types - and their implementations - differ quite a lot across database systems. ... - I am already using GUI tools from MySQL. Why should I buy SQLyog?
Because in most situations you will find that SQLyog is more simple to use and more intuitive than the tools from MySQL. During the time ... - I have Foreign Keys and they work but there are a lot of weird names ...
To create a Foreign Key/relationship in MySQL you (or SQLyog) must send a CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE SQL-statement likealter table ´Test´.´TableName´ add constraint ´ConstraintName´ ... - Internal web server error / HTTP error 500
If you get this error (when HTTP-tunnelling in SQLyog and when connecting from a browser respectively) please check that that the permission setting for the ... - In INFO tab for a database the 'Rows' count for InnoDB tables does not show the exact value.
In INFO tab for a database the 'Rows' count for InnoDB tables does not show the exact value. This is an InnoDB issue with the SHOW TABLE STATUS ... - I have full privileges to a database but cannot ALTER a routine. Why?
You experience that you have full privileges to a database (described in GRANT syntax like GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON some_database.* TO 'me'@'somehost') but cannot ALTER ... - I connect as a user who has GRANT option but User Management fails.
To illustrate this we create such userGRANT ALL ON ´somedatabase´.* TO 'oneuser'@'localhost' WITH GRANT OPTION;As this user has ALL privileges to a specific database and ... - I am unable to run SQLyog in Wine/Ubuntu 10.4. What should I do?
Wine has a known issue with Ubuntu 10.4. It is not only SQLyog that is affected by this. Lots of programs are. Best known affected ...