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Most popular FAQs 
- I get error 1130 "Host is not allowed to ... (473532 views)
- Error no. 2003: Can't connect... (389148 views)
- SQLyog Version History (241744 views)
- Error no. 1045: "Connection denied..." (202098 views)
- Error No. 2005: Unknown MySQL server host... (184521 views)
- Error no. 1251: "Client does not support authentication..." (173172 views)
- Can I use SQLyog with the WINE Windows emulator ... (164984 views)
- What is HTTP-tunneling? (139275 views)
- What Is SSH and SSH-tunneling? (110877 views)
- Introduction to the 'SQLyog Job Agent' (SJA) (108898 views)
Latest FAQs 
- SQLyog Version History (2014-06-08 10:22)
- I get error 1130 "Host is not allowed to ... (2014-01-30 12:21)
- About CHUNKs and BULKs (2014-01-09 11:53)
- SQLyog is a client for the MySQL server - ... (2013-08-04 04:48)
- Problems creating a functional DSN on 64 bit Windows. ... (2013-07-22 08:34)
Sticky FAQs
- Welcome to the SQLyog FAQ
Welcome to this FAQ. We hope that users having problems will find solutions to the most common problems here. With the introduction of this FAQ, we ... - What is HTTP-tunneling?
HTTP-tunneling is a method for connecting to a MySQL server that uses the same protocol (http://) and the same port (port 80) as a webserver ... - Why are Stored Procedures not created when I import an SQL-file?
This is a privilege issue.You will probably get the error 1044 "Access denied ..." or 1370 "Alter routine command denied to user ...". ... - Why is my Scheduled Job not Running?
If that happens it is not an issue with SQLyog!First you must understand that any job running on Windows is running with some user privileges. ... - Will I need a SQLyog license for each MySQL server that I need to access?
No, the licensing policy for SQLyog is client-based, not server-based. That means that you require one license for each PC that will have SQLyog ... - What Is SSH and SSH-tunneling?
The Acronym SSH stands for Secure Shell Host. SSH was originally created to provide a secure way to access server systems at "low level", to ... - Why are my BIT datatypes displayed as squares?
You experience that BIT datatypes that previously displayed as "0" or "1" (and maybe even any numerical value between "-128" and "127") in SQLyog ... - What is the difference between MySQL server replication and SQLyog synchronization?
Technically they are completely different. MySQL server replication basically operates in the way that the server defined as the 'slave' reads the binary log of ... - What kind of databases does SQLyog support?
SQLyog is a Frontend / a GUI tool (or whatever you may call it!) for administering MySQL databases, and MySQL databases ... - What should I enter as 'hostname' when connecting to a MySQL server at an ISP.
It depends on the systems and the network settings at your ISP. The systems that ISP's operate are too numerous to mention. Some operate almost ... - What kind of ODBC databases are supported by SQLyog Import External Data Tool?
Any! Simply. As long as they really are ODBC databases. But let us first define ODBC. We quote the Webopedia: ODBC ... - What is and what is not imported by the SQLyog Import External Data Tool?
The SQLyog Import External Data Tool as of SQLyog 4.1 and later will importDATA and it will - of course - create the type definitions ... - When I import CSV data using the SQLyog Import External Data Tool only first column of data is inserted/updated.
It is not a SQLyog issue, but an issue with the Microsoft text-ODBC-driver. It isthe same issue as described here: in most of ... - Why have my 'favorites' disappeared?
The 'Favorites' feature introduced With SQLyog 5.1 (replacing the old 'Personal Folder' feature) saves a user's favorites in that users 'application data' folder on ... - When adding a TIMESTAMP column to an existing table ZERO-dates are inserted
You experience that when adding a TIMESTAMP column to an existing table (with existing rows in it) using the definition:´ts´ timestamp NOT ... - Which MySQL Character Sets are supported by SQLyog?
Starting from version 6.0 SQLyog offers complete support for all (single-byte and multi-byte unicode and non-unicode) character sets supported by the MySQL server.Also starting from ... - Webyog FAQ Search-plug-ins for Web Browsers
There are now Search-plug-ins available for the Mozilla Firefox and Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 (now in Beta 2) Web Browsers.To install in your browsers click ... - Weird errors with DATA SYNC and UCS2 data.
MySQL AB has confirmed one or more bug(s) when CHECKSUMs are generated on UCS2 data.The bug is described like: 1) Different results between InnoDB and ... - Where can I download old program versions?
Nowhere!With each new SQLyog version we constantly add features, improve usability, improve performance and - not to forget - fix bugs and add/change code to ... - What is non-commercial use?
"Non-commercial Use" means the use of the Software Product for noncommercial purposes only, and is limited to the following users: Non-profit organizations (charities and other ... - What are the various ways of getting and buying SQLyog?
SQLyog is distributed in electronic form only. We do not ship physical products. Most of the time new versions are released at short intervals and ... - What Storage Engines are supported by SQLyog?
Any! (well .. almost)Starting from SQLyog 5.2 the list of available Storage Engines (before MySQL 4.1 named 'Types') is not hard-coded into the program but ... - What encoding is used for files saved by SQLyog?
Starting from SQLyog version 6.0 every file stored by SQLyog is UTF8-encoded. That applies to:configuration files and log files (.ini, .log , .err)SQL-files generated by ... - What should permissions be for the SQLyog tunneller file?
We recommend the permission setting for the SQLyog tunneller file to be (in octal notation) 644. That means read permission for both 'owner', 'group' and ... - Wrong results are returned for FOUND_ROWS().
FOUND_ROWS() is an 'information function' in MySQL. The use of it is that you can use a LIMIT clause to reduce the result set and ...